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Donate to Community Sponsorship

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The Home Office says we must raise at least £9,000 to resettle a family to Ripon, for things like equipping the house, English classes, translation and interpretation services, and cash for provisions, SIM cards etc on arrival. However, we know from talking to other groups around the UK – and because Ripon is expensive – that we’ll actually need £12,000. This seems like a big hurdle, but it’s definitely achievable! 

STOP PRESS – Just 5 months after launching our fundraising campaign to bring a family here, we realised people were so keen to donate that we’ll actually be able to bring TWO Syrian families here! So now our target is £24,000. 

Please note that all donations go via Catholic Care. The Home Office requires us to have a ‘lead sponsor’, and we asked for Catholic Care who also oversee other Community Sponsorship projects in Yorkshire, including in Nidderdale. This also enables us to collect Gift Aid on donations, boosting them by 25%.

Make a one-off donation

Give as much or as little as you choose. You can do this more than once, if you wish.

Donate by bank transfer

Account name
RCoS Community Sponsorship 
Sort code: 05-00-20
Account number: 11160880 

Donate by cheque

Please make cheques out to RCoS Community Sponsorship and post to Catholic Care, 11 North Grange Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2BR, or pass to us.

Donate cash

If you donate cash, please ensure you obtain a cash receipt and make it clear it’s for the Community Sponsorship project.

Donate via JustGiving

We now have a NEW JustGiving page which enables donations to be to be Gift Aided! Ideal if you’re asking other people to sponsor you.

Can you Gift Aid it?

If you pay tax in the UK, you can add 25% to the value of your donation.
All you need to do is fill in this simple form and return it to us – scan/photograph and email it, or put it in our grateful hands.  

Set up regular giving

Choose a monthly sum for either 1 year or 2 years (2 years is the lifespan of the project). Example donations and their impact are shown on the table below.

Donate by bank transfer

Account name
RCoS Community Sponsorship 
Sort code: 05-00-20
Account number: 11160880 

Donate monthly by standing order

Option 1Set it up online with your own internet banking
Option 2: Download our mandate and return it to Catholic Care. 

Either way, please Gift Aid if you can (below)! 

Can you Gift Aid it?

If you pay tax in the UK, you can add 25% to the value of your donation.
All you need to do is fill in this simple form and return it to us – scan/photograph and email it, or put it in our grateful hands.