Ripon’s first School of Sanctuary, Outwood Primary Academy Greystone, is getting behind our collection for the asylum-seekers’ clothing bank in Wakefield.
Outwood Primary Academy Greystone is collecting brand-new pants and socks (just like superheros wear) to go to boys and girls who have had to come to our country because it wasn’t safe to stay in their own country. These are “refugee children”.
Their journeys to the UK can sometimes be very difficult and stressful. Often, the children only have the clothes they’re wearing. So we’ve been collecting clothes for them. And because clean underwear always makes you feel good, Ms Kirkman very kindly said that Outwood Primary Academy Greystone would love to help.
Here’s what to do:
1 – Ask your family or carer to buy one or more pairs of brand-new pants and socks
2 – Bring them in to the Academy before Friday 20 November
3 – Pop them in the giant yellow wheelie bin
4 – Feel glad you helped a child like you!